It makes sense that you would want the best for your child as a parent. Thankfully, you have that comforting knowledge that your Baby Girl has a bright future ahead of her.
A dog named Baby Girl had spent the previous weekend sitting quietly on the front lawn of a Green Bay, Wisconsin, home. With its leash fastened to a fire hydrant, the fluffy creature seemed as though it was looking forward to its owner’s return. That seemed to be Kylie Rose Engelhardt’s initial assumption. Luckily, though, Baby Girl didn’t have to brave the cold by herself. After noticing the dog, Engelhardt stopped to ensure its safety. She posted on Facebook about spending an hour outside with the dog, hoping someone would come back, but sadly, no one did. Beside her, a heartbreaking message was placed along with Baby Girl’s backpack, which was filled with all of her favorite things—food, snacks, and toys. Engelhardt took Baby Girl to the Wisconsin Humane Society after learning that she had been abandoned.
Given how painful it may be for anyone, the Wisconsin Humane Society sent their condolences to the pet owner who had to give up their cherished companion. In order to ensure that Baby Girl would be located and taken care of as soon as possible, the society wanted to reassure the owner that they were not being condemned and that they valued all of their efforts. In a touching statement shared on Facebook, the society offered their regrets and acknowledged the owner’s devotion demonstrated by the thoughtfully packed bag containing Baby Girl’s favorite items, the leash that was properly tied, and the prominent placement that made her easy to detect. Even in the face of their own difficulties, the organization commended the owner for putting Baby Girl’s safety and wellbeing first. After completing the required stray hold, Baby Girl is currently getting plenty of love and care from the shelter staff while she waits to find her permanent family.