100 Facts About Cats That May Surprise You
In addition to being one of the most popular pets in the world, cats have many interesting and surprising features. Here are 100 facts that may surprise you:
1. History and Origin
Cats were domesticated about 9,000 years ago. The first domesticated cats were used in agricultural societies to hunt mice and pests.
In ancient Egypt, cats were sacred animals. So much so that the family would mourn the death of a cat.
Cats were carried on ships by the Vikings to keep mice under control.
2. Physical Features of Cats
Cats have a skeleton made up of a total of 230 bones. This number is more than humans.
A cat’s ears can turn in all directions thanks to 32 different muscles.
Cat nose prints are unique to cats, like fingerprints are to humans. Each cat’s nose pattern is different.
The average house cat can run at a speed of 30 miles per hour.
3. Behavioral Interesting
Cats spend about 70% of their time sleeping. That’s 13-16 hours a day.
A cat’s purr doesn’t just mean they’re happy; they could also be stressed, sick, or trying to relax.
If a cat walks with their tail up, it means they’re sending you a friendly greeting.
4. Nutrition and Senses
Cats don’t have taste buds to detect sweets. That’s why they don’t like sugary foods.
Cats’ sense of sight is 6 times stronger than humans’ in the dark.
Cats try to figure out if their food is safe by smelling it before eating it.
5. Cat Health
The average lifespan of a house cat is around 15 years. However, some cats can live for over 20 years.
A cat’s heart rate varies between 140-220 beats per minute.
Cats like to lie in sunny places because it increases their body temperature and saves energy.
6. Cat Communication with People
Cats don’t communicate with other cats by meowing. Meowing is a form of communication developed solely for talking to people.
Cats can perceive people’s emotions. They try to support you by coming to you, especially when you are sad.
If cats blink their eyes frequently, it means “I love you.”
7. Interesting Behaviors
Why do cats rub their claws on furniture? This is a way of marking their territory rather than sharpening their claws.
Cats love to lick in water. This behavior usually stems from their hunting instinct.
Cats constantly knocking things over is an instinctive behavior; it is based on their development of hunting skills.